Dinner Sponsorship!

The intention of our event is to raise awareness about the need for employment of adults with Asperger’s Syndrome, to encourage acceptance of all Aspies, and to raise funds to enable us to help as many people as possible.

For more information

woman with white shirt and pink pants dancing
The word sponsor in white on a red background
man in pale green top with navy pants dancing
a red-headed woman in green top and light blue pants dancing with a man in a white shirt, blue tie and dark gray pants

Be a Part of the Celebration!

As a valuable member of our community, we would like to invite your company to be part of our Dinner of Hope celebration and beyond. The intention of our event is to raise awareness about the need for employment of adults with Asperger’s Syndrome (high-functioning autism) and to raise funds to enable us to help as many people as possible. You may have met some of our Board members at various events, so you are probably not completely unfamiliar with our organization and what we do.

Supportive Services

We are extremely proud of the great supportive services we are offering our community. Our organization was designed to inspire local employers to hire and retain underemployed or unemployed adults with Asperger’s in purposeful and appropriate employment. Our ultimate goal is to help adults with AS become self-sufficient without reliance on family and/or government support. We have come a long way in this quest in the last five years, including a number of clients either employed or on the verge of employment. We are certain that by the time of our dinner, we will have even more good news to share.


Our organization has been recognized by both civic organizations like EforAll (Entrepreneurship for All) and political entities like the Cities of Lawrence and Haverhill and the Massachusetts State Legislature. Our Dinner of Hope fundraising events were successful in the past because individuals and companies like yours provided us support through sponsorships, ticket purchases, raffle prizes, and donations.


Before you decide to sponsor us, check out the sponsorship opportunities we offer and please complete the dinner sponsorship form. As part of our advertising campaign for our Annual Dinner of Hope, we plan to publicly recognize your support in our promotional materials, media interviews, Website, and/or other communications to the general public.

Should you have any questions,  contact us at dinner@aspergerworks.org or call us at 351-208-9450 and leave a message.


On behalf of all of us at Asperger Works, we thank you for your time and support in helping us provide much-needed services to our community.

Join Our 2022 Sponsors


Pentucket Bank logo


Enterprise Bank Logo
Katalin Baltimore, Advisory Board

Katalin Baltimore

VIP Ticket Holders

Ms. Raquel Quezada

Atty. Richard Rosa



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